Speaker Topics
Photo credit: Chelsea Slaughter

Doc is a published author and veteran educator with over 32 years in both the urban and suburban school systems. Dedicated to increasing literacy skills in young adults, she served the profession as an English teacher, learning specialist, and most recently a Gifted Lead teacher. In her keynote speeches, she inspires preservice teachers to embrace the art of teaching.
A 1989 graduate of Cabrini College (now University), Doc worked as a writing specialist at the college as well. After earning two Fellowships and a distinguished track record of professional publications and presentations at regional and national conferences, she earned her doctoral degree in cognitive studies in reading at Widener University. An inspiration to writers of all ages, Dr. Slaughter encourages young scholars especially, at any part of their writing project, to finish what they have started.
By the year 2050, ethnic minority children will make up the majority of the United States public school classrooms. Multicultural literature is the building block of a multicultural education which reflects our nation’s diversity and helps all students learn by providing help to bridge the cultural gap, and promote racial awareness. Teachers often find it difficult to identify or find quality multicultural literature that adheres to the standard curriculum. Dr. Slaughter offers stimulating workshops on how to choose multicultural literature appropriate for classroom libraries.
Dr. Rachel Slaughter is the CEO of Literacy University, a 501c3, and author of the syndicated column
"The Reading Quilt," and TV show of the same name.
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